Restoration of the normal functioning of the tendons, cartilage, ligaments, bones, muscles, fascia, nerves, lymphatic and circulatory systems, through the work with feet.
This method allows to release pain in the legs, knees, hips, and back to eliminate ISHIAS cramps, cure vaginal dryness, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. It helps get rid of puffiness, cure brittle bones, reduce the instep arch, remove deformation of toes and feet, fix rotation of legs bones, treat pinched nerves and displacement of the sacrum.
In addition, this method allows return strength and firmness to leg bones, and elasticity, stretching and rejuvenation to leg muscles; improve blood circulation in the legs and pelvic organs, libido; relax, make tendons more elastic; improve kidneys function and release overload and stress; help the lungs get rid of mucus; release spasms in diaphragms (thoracic and abdominal); restore legs function after an injury. Work with the legs of athletes. Modeling beautiful legs and buttocks!